In the News

Gov. Stitt files paperwork for President Trump to appear on 2020 Oklahoma ballot

Governor Stitt files paperwork for President Trump to appear on the 2020 Oklahoma ballot. He thinks like I do, and most of the state, that President Trump should win Oklahoma by a landslide. #KeepAmericaGreat #TrumpWinsOklahoma2020 Read the article here

Mexico gunbattle near Texas border between suspected cartel members, police leaves at least 21 dead

While the Democrats and their marketing arm of the liberal media are pushing fake impeachment news all over social media, we have a crisis down at the Southern border. It’s about time the Democrats put National security as a top priority, instead of trying to find a way of impeaching President Trump. Read the article here.

CNN Claims Bureaucrats are the ‘Heart of Democracy’… They’re Not. They’re Henchman for A Permanent Political Class.

The liberal media wants you to believe that the bureaucrats 'participating' in the impeachment scam are doing it for the best of the country, when in fact what they are doing is trying to bring President Trump down for putting America first. #KeepAmericaGreat Read the article here.

Housing market comeback heats up

The housing market is hot, we’re breaking records with the stock market and all the Democrats can talk about is the phony impeachment scam. It’s time for the liberals to come out of their ether. Read the article here.


It's time to drop the HAMMER!

The Do-Nothing Democrats have caused a lot of damage to this country by putting President Trump though baseless impeachment hearings for weeks. Their whole agenda is keeping our President off the 2020 ballot.

Now, the Democrats have heard about our WinRed fundraising ecosystem, and how with President Trump's co-branding efforts have created record-breaking numbers. This has happened because of strong support from people like you that know the way to win is with a President that believes in the 2nd amendment, loves economic prosperity, and wants to secure our borders...  in essence, Making America Great Again!

For three years now, the Democrats haven't been able to accept the loss of their crooked candidate. We're not going to let them take away your vote, your voice, and your future. We WON'T let it happen!

We're less than a year away from election day, and it's never been more of a critical time. With President Trump, we have an end of the month fundraising deadline coming up. We have set a strong goal to meet, and we need your support! 

As one of my top supporters, I need you to step up and help us accomplish this goal. The deadline is important, and everything you contribute will directly help President Trump and me. 

The Democrats' plan to get President Trump out of office is crumbling. Today, there was an article by Fox News saying, "a House Democrat now sees no 'value' in impeachment, as polls show falling support among independents".

This is why we need YOU to step up. We can't take our foot off the pedal. The President and I expect EVERY American and Oklahoman from the 2nd District to contribute. 

Please make a contribution by 11:59 PM TONIGHT to help us reach our November deadline. 

Thank you,

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We appreciate you, and ask for your continued support! Please donate here.


Dow scores 100th record close under Trump

If you are listening to the Democrats and Liberal media, then you probably won’t hear much about the positive economic records we keep breaking. #KeepAmericaGreat Read about the article here.

AOC says her policies are not 'free stuff': 'I never want to hear that term again'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now lecturing us on not saying “free stuff”. I guess she thinks we aren’t smart enough to see through her game. She wants to use taxpayer dollars to buy votes. #SocialismSucks Read the article here.

Varney: Democrats expect Americans to ignore prosperity

The economy is trucking right on down the road at a strong pace, but the Democrats and Liberal media want you focused on the impeachment scam. #DoNothingDemocrats Read the article here.

Pelosi hints USMCA may not come up for a vote this year

Instead of taking care of our country’s business, Nancy Pelosi is kicking the can down the road in regards to USMCA.

Why? Because she is focused on an impeachment circus. Her and the liberal Democrats are showing their true intentions on a daily basis. #DoNothingDemocrats Here is the article.

'Did I make you proud?': Biden team blasts out post-debate fundraising plea hours before debate kicks off

This right here is a typical backfire by a liberal Democrat. It’s no different than what is going on in the phony impeachment hearings. #Backfire #DoNothingDemocrats Read the article here.