In the News

Trump’s killing of Soleimani had to be done to protect American lives

Soleimani was a known terrorist. He was sanctioned by both the U.S. and U.N. He is responsible for killing 100’s of Americans. President Trump was right to take this decisive act. Read the article here

Trump says Iran ‘appears to be standing down,’ missile strikes resulted in no casualties

President Trump’s strategy with Iran is working. The liberal media outlets don’t want to admit to it, but having a leader that puts America first is crucial. #KeepAmericaGreat Read the article here.

McConnell says he has votes to start impeachment trial without accord on witnesses

It’s time to end the Democrats circus stunt distraction. We have to focus on bettering America and stop the political games. #KeepAmericaGreat Read the article here.

Steve Hilton: Trump's Iran moves show he understands what 'America First' looks like in the Middle East

What we have now is a President that understands America first. It’s about time that we stopped the bullying and terrorist acts by Iran and Soleimani. Previous administrations have turned a blind eye, and now we have a President leading by example. Read the article here.

Varney: Angry Democrats will lose 2020 election

The Democrats seem to be a party of angry people. Anger is never a good political strategy. #KeepAmericaGreat #2020 Read the article here.

Varney: Trump-hating media won’t get the recession they hoped for

The left-leaning media won't like this! We know the Democrats are hoping for a recession or anything that hurts President Trump. Well, it doesn't look like it's going to happen in 2020. #KeepAmericaGreat Read the article here.

Rep. Kendra Horn says she will vote for impeachment of President Trump

Kendra Horn is aligning herself with the liberal led impeachment sham by voting “for” it. This is something I would expect from the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or Adam Schiff. This will be a big backfire! Read the article here.

Another House Democrat says he will vote against impeachment, predicts others will join him

It turns out there is bipartisan support... to NOT impeach! #ImpeachmentSham Read the article here.

Democrat Congressman Leaving Party Over Impeachment, Becoming Republican

This was bound to happen. Now we’re seeing people inside the Democrat Party switching to the Republican Party over this crazy impeachment sham. Read the article here.

Corbyn's bloodbath defeat in UK election sends 'catastrophic warning' to 2020 Dems

This should be a warning for the Democrats in 2020. The liberal media may want socialism, but the American people will say NO to the losing proposition. #SocialismSucks Read the article here.