In the News

Under-siege Dems in Trump districts keep impeachment decision close to the vest

Wouldn’t you hate to be in a situation where you are a Democrat up for election in a Trump supported district, and you have to vote for a liberal led impeachment sham? Read the article here.

Pelosi Admits Impeachment Drive Began ‘Two and a Half’ Years Ago

One could make an argument that this Impeachment Drive has been going on for FAR too long, or we can just take Nancy Pelosi at her word.

“It’s been going on for 22 months. Two and a half years actually,” said Pelosi.”

Read the article here.


Cramer: Like or hate Trump, ‘these are the best numbers of our lives’ on jobs

I understand that the Democrats and Liberal media don’t want the American people seeing the great economic numbers, instead we are being taken down a road of distraction with this impeachment sham. #KeepAmericaGreat

Read the article here.

House Democrats and the White House have a deal to move forward with USMCA trade agreement

I am glad the #USMCA came to a vote, as it’s long overdue. Nancy Pelosi is trying to claim victory, but it was President Trump that made it happen. The Democrats need to stop playing political games and put our country first. #KeepAmericaGreat Read the article here.

Would Appreciate A Response + Standing With President Trump

Nancy Pelosi's whole focus has been on impeaching President Trump the minute he got elected! Today, they announced two articles of Impeachment after a sham investigation. 

The fact is, the President has done NOTHING wrong. The Democrats announced they are going to seek to impeach President Trump over nothing. This is DANGEROUS!

This is not what the Founders had in mind. The Democrats have NO case and are wasting your time, money and resources. The only thing that matters to them is IMPEACHMENT. They don't want to better the economy, focus on National Security, and make this country a better place. It's all about undoing what the American people voted for. Your vote doesn't matter to them... they feel they know better than you.

We elected President Trump to drain the SWAMP, in fact, it's the swamp, Hollywood elites, the Fakes News Media, Deep State, and the establishment that wants impeachment. All in all, they want to steal your vote!

Let's help the President, and let's do it NOW! It's US vs. THEM, and make no mistake they won't stop until they remove your dually elected President.

These next 24 hours are so CRUCIAL, and I am helping President Trump with 100% of my focus. Contribute right here and right now $5, $10, $15, $20 or more!

Thank you,

Chinese official: Beijing wants US trade deal ASAP

Despite what the Liberal media is saying, China wants a trade deal... and they want it now! President Trump negotiates from a position of strength and it’s going to work in the best interest of America. #KeepAmericaGreat #DoNothingDemocrats Read the article here.

U.S. Economy Added 266,000 Jobs in November

✅ The U.S. economy added 266,000 jobs in November
✅ Unemployment rate matched 50-year low of 3.5%
✅ Wages advanced 3.1%

But here we are, having to deal with the Democrat’s impeachment scam. Just think what we could do if we got the Liberal left on board with helping grow the economy.

In fact, Nancy Pelosi should be putting USMCA as a top priority, but she has an obsession with trying to make the 2016 election illegitimate. Her 100% focus is trying to impeach President Trump.
#KeepAmericaGreat #DoNothingDemocrats

Nancy Pelosi snaps at reporter after question about hating Trump: 'Don't mess with me'

This is just another example of Nancy Pelosi being nasty. For her, it’s about thinking maybe she’s above the rest of America. Read the article here.

Pelosi calls for articles of impeachment against Trump: 'No choice but to act'

Nancy Pelosi and the Do Nothing Democrats have decided to move forward with articles of impeachment against President Trump. She says, “No choice but to act”, yet they haven’t acted on improving the economy, border security, and moving our country forward in a positive way. #DoNothingDemocrats #ImpeachmentScam Read the article here.

Impeachment hearing witness invokes Barron Trump's name for laughs

This is plain nasty and despicable that a Stanford Law Professor invokes President Trump’s son, Barron to try and create humor. The whole impeachment circus is backfiring on the Democrats. Read the article here.